Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pieces (Keep Updating...)

Sunrise Samurai


Flowers and Bee

Cherry Blossom Festival 2012

Cherry Blossom Festival 2012


Light Spots

Light Spots

Seneca Rocks

Forest in Seneca Rocks

Seneca Rocks

Self-portrait Digital Drawing

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Imaginary window (pencil)
Time: about 25 hrs

Glass drawing (eyeshadows)
Time:  about 3 hrs 

Antlers (charcoal)
 Time: 45 mins

Piggy (unfinished...)
Time: 30 mins

Artist Statement

    The only strengths of me is... good at composition and pencil drawings, usually practice with realistic style to improve the composition and sense of 3D world on 2D medias. Maybe I am also good at arranging positive and negative space. Sometimes I like to present deep thoughts through artworks; this also includes some weird thoughts, I think those are creativities to me. Personally, I thinking art is a media to reveals philosophical ideas in front of people’s eyes, that means in my opinion, an artwork without thought and idea is just a crap(I do it sometimes if in a hurry…).
    The strongest weakness I have is I am lacking of contrast of colors when trying to seek harmony of entire artwork(focal point is weak). And I suck at watercolor, oil painting and other media. And never tried sculpture and ceramics before, so I have no idea of them(should be poor). I am also a bad hand at digital design(Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.) except there is a digital drawing pad(just for now,  should be better in the future because I’m a rookie).
    The goal for me currently is to kick myself into VCU, then I can figure which spot is the most appropriate for me because I’m interesting in graphic design, fashion design, costume design, interior design, stage design, light and special effects. And there is no specific goals before graduation, just try my best and see where I am at the end.
    The thickest great wall for me is the time because I just need it to practice more!!! Also, I hate painting and watercolors, etc. (Taking too much time for mixing colors and they dry fast~~~) But… they can never be my brick-wall at all because I can pass them by seeking for the other circuitous ways. (Ctrl+J you can create thousands of layers in photoshop or using a digital drawing pad, YEAH!!!)
    Last and the most important...Nietzsche once said: “You have your way, I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, the only way, it does not exist!!!” So, art is individual way, the way that reveals your personality. Therefore no have the right to judge an artwork because those are their individual opinions, and they cannot create a piece that is exactly the same yours, yet you also cannot make a work as others. Although no one have the right to judge, everyone has the right to give suggestions.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Romantic Realistic Innocent Crazy Quiet Sleepy Honest Respectful Kind Abstract Phantastic General Nameless Playful Unfettered Understanding Easy Philosophical Skinny Curious Industrious Lazy Paradoxical Synchronic Fashion Weird